Tuesday, August 25, 2009

misty, you aren't going to believe this.....

your best friend jenny is being adopted and her new family lives about 15 mins. from your new home!!!! out of all the places you two could have ended up and you will be within a stone's throw. i wish i could be there when you find this out. i stand in complete amazement at the Lord's hand. i introduced us to the MAA yahoo group as several of them were asking 'who is misty's mom? please tell us!

and one of the moms wrote me because she had read that her new daughter and you were best buds. so we chat back and forth and i saw i am from indiana. she says 'me too'. where exactly? i say 'monrovia' and she writes back 'nooooo way'.

and the Lord said...'yes, way' :)


  1. Oh Jan, what wonderful news. How great is our God, how great indeed!
    love Jill

  2. Aye that He is, Jill. Our daughter's best friend lives a day's drive away and we consider that close.
